Setting up your own business can be an exciting yet a challenging task. Many steps are involved in getting your own business started and up and running. To be aware of what’s involved and required before you start is very crucial as it can help you save a lot of time, effort and most importantly, money. We here at A One Accountants, are here to take care of all your business startup needs and help you along the way as you progress.
It’s important to choose a proper business structure as this determines the way you will manage and run the business. The business structure can be a sole trader, partnership, trust or a company. While structures can be changed as per business requirement, the process of winding up one and opening up a new one is quite onerous, time consuming, tedious and costly.
We, at A One Accountants, will be delivering end-to-end solutions for your business startup right from the process of applying for the Australian Business Number (ABN) or the Tax File Number (TFN), registering the structure, setting up Goods and Services Tax (GST), we can also act as your buyers advocates potentially negotiating on your behalf, looking after the accounting and bookkeeping services, and filing tax returns to name a few. We can also assist you by referring you to insurers, setting up super accounts, single touch payroll and so on.
We will setup your business step by step as we go, and not let you be left to do anything by yourselves, we can also organize quick opening of any bank accounts using our contacts with various stakeholders.
We completely understand the different factors that need to be addressed and considered when starting a new business and we are committed to providing you with tailored advice for your specific needs and circumstances. If you wish to organize a meeting regarding a new startup kindly feel free to get in touch with us.