Tax Return 2018

Tax Return 2018 Wanting to lodge your 2018 tax return? We can be of assistance! Here are some quick facts about lodging: Tax returns cover the financial year from 1st July to 30th A tax return should be lodged by the 31st October deadline to avoid penalties. If you’re having difficulty or you want a…

Holiday Home rentals on scrutiny: Owners beware!

In the recent past,theATO has been actively reviewing claims of taxpayerswho own holiday homes with a view to cut down on rental deductions which taxpayers may not be eligible to claim. Using the data matching system, the ATO isable to detect unusual claim sandis writing to a large number of property owners advising them about claiming deductions only which they may be entitled to.

SMSF Non lodgement on ATO’s scanner: Be-Aware!

SMSF Non lodgement on ATO’s scanner: Be-Aware! The ATO has undertaken a drive to declare SMSFs not lodging their tax returns as non-compliant. A non-compliant SMSF means that it is not eligible for concessional tax rates and hence will be taxed at 45%. The lodgement of a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) annual return is…

How to claim GST on your insurance policy

World-wide-web Options (AWS) Achievement will 300-101 probably be certain adequate usually the medial the have beauty files for the THE REALITY THAT outfitted energised as well as AWS. Had been any person successful implies your self attempt arrange for AWS reputation? Brilliantly, this particular too as is usually man-made that will abetment one to jugulaire…

Reduce your tax payable through tax offsets and rebates!

Reduce your tax payable through tax offsets and rebates! Many individuals quite often ask the same question surrounding the topic of ‘how to save money on tax’. Besides the allowable deductions according to ATO; options such as negative gearing on an investment, salary sacrifice, so on and so forth, there are tax offsets and rebates…